In this base players can get upgrades, choose their next mission and make preparations, as well as advance the brand new, reworked narrative. Each mission carries rewards that strengthen the climber for the whole run and you can go back to base after completing each of them. In addition to the three main mountains, which are now called Main Missions, there will be 10-12 Side Missions per run that players can tackle. In 2.0, we have completely redone how each individual run is handled. Insurmountable 2.0 will feature a completely new story, new side missions and new skills along with a staggering amount of balance changes and reworks on the familiar gameplay! Gone is the known structure of playersclimbing three mountains in a row for victory.
#Insurmountable passive update
This will happen on monday the 14th of march, so that until then, all of you who were still hesitant of getting the game have the brief opportunity to buy the game at its current price and still enjoy everything the 2.0 update will have to offer! Increasing the content and features of Insurmountable 1.0 (or 1.3 to be very precise) will also mean that we will increase the price of the game to accommodate the upcoming changes.

How much knowledge is received depends on the mission. Prepare Accordingly - Upgrades and preparing for missions include collecting knowledge in different areas such as items, characters, terrain, and the environment.Mountaineering Map - Found in the base camp, the map indicates which missions are available, which ones are completed, and which ones are not yet unlocked.
#Insurmountable passive upgrade
Here, players can choose their next mission, upgrade kit and skills, and decide on which items to bring.

#Insurmountable passive free
They have to free themselves and find out more about the mysteries looming in the mountain range. Now, the three characters find themselves in a time loop, caused by the research station which is now their base. Insurmountable’s 2.0 update is now available to everyone who owns the base game!Ī brand new story awaits players. Dangerous terrain, unpredictable weather and various events and challenges are waiting for you! The 2.0 update brings with it a brand new metagame centered around your base camp and new side missions to keep you busy - bolster your progression and flesh out your journey! In Insurmountable, you’ll be tackling three dangerous peaks as one of three different climbers.